The Big Give S.A.
May 5th marks the second annual Big Give S.A.! On this day of giving, consider contributing to the San Antonio Chamber Choir.
As the choir enters its 11th year, we really need support from local donors to fund our outreach efforts to local high schools, provide four concerts a year at unique locations across the city and ensure the choir continues to grow and flourish.
Thanks to a generous donor, we already have a matching grant up to $7,500, so anything you give on May 5 will be doubled! We hope that, with your donations and the matching grant, we can reach our goal of $15K for 2015!
To contribute to the San Antonio Chamber Choir during the 2015 Big Give S.A., click here or visit and type in “San Antonio Chamber Choir.” Donations are accepted only on May 5. 2015. beginning at 12 a.m.
For questions or more information, contact Thanks for your support!